
inter-agency subcommittee on the advancement of women معنى

  • اللجنة الفرعية المشتركة بين الوكالات المعنية بالنهوض بالمرأة
  • subcommittee    n. لجنة فرعية
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • the    ال, لام التعريفH&# ...
  • advancement    n. ترقية, ترفع, تق ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • women    n. نساء

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. inter-agency steering committee on avian and human influenza معنى
  2. inter-agency steering committee on phase ii of the transport and communications decade for asia and the pacific معنى
  3. inter-agency steering committee on youth and sustainable development معنى
  4. inter-agency study group on evaluation معنى
  5. inter-agency subcommittee on environment and sustainable development in asia and the pacific معنى
  6. inter-agency support branch معنى
  7. inter-agency support group معنى
  8. inter-agency support group on indigenous issues معنى
  9. inter-agency support unit معنى
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